Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Toy

Here is one of my birthday presents, I am enthralled with the detachable cellphone that rings:)

This is the outfit I wore today, and mommy thought I looked like such a big boy in it! In this picture I am about ready to honk the horn.

I can use this to help me walk...

Let's see what happens if I ram this into the door.I am really trying to walk now, I can take a few steps all by myself, but then I get so excited that I did it, that I fall down! Pretty soon I'll be walking around like my friends Jonathan and Josiah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Isaac! You are almost walking all by yourself...that is so fun!! You are super cute in those overalls too... I think we are going to register for a cool walking truck like that for the baby...what a neat toy!! love you, Uncle Todd and Auntie Val