Monday, September 3, 2007

The Aftermath

By the middle of the party we had most of my toys strung around the room...Notice how clean the floor is:) In this picture I am looking at my new doggy that i had to have mom take out of the box before I opened ANY more presents. But once she got it out I let Jonathan play with it too.
This is me after everyone has left, I am finishing off the bag of Pirate's booty. I am a very tired boy!

Mommy was sad that she forgot to take a picture of all the snacks she had for the grown ups, but I don't see why it matters as long as you have some pictures of me and my friends!

I had such a fun day!

Also the bag on the corner of the counter is Pirate's Booty. It is kind of like puffed popcorn and a very yummy treat!

To see even more pictures of my fun day check out the 'blog of chang' and the 'clan mcnutt' they are both on my sidebar.

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