Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm related to all those people!

While we were in Iowa we had a Haberkorn Family reunion in Dubuque! I never knew I had so many relatives!

This is a picture of all the grandkids and me the one great grandchild (well, besides Pumba who is in Auntie Val's Belly)

These are the two who started it all! Happy 55th Wedding anniversary!

This is a Picture with my great-grandparents and their SEVEN children. My grandpa is in there in the back row:)

This is just our immediate family Grandma, grandpa Uncle Eric, Todd and Auntie Val and us. Aren't we a good looking family?
There was even way more people than that, who I am related to...It was such a fun time.

(by the way, that is the Great Mississippi in the background)


Anonymous said...

Sheri - Recieved your e-mail - Granpa's 1st surgery is
Aug. 8th. I really don't know when he will be up for visitors. He will be in the hospital 3-4 days - then physical therapy in our home for 2 weeks - then he goes to the physical therapy facility that I have been going to. After the left knee is o.k., they will schedule the 2nd operation. For sure I would recommend you call before you come - just to be sure we are here. gma mary Attention: I tried every way I have besides this to send you an e-mail - they were returned. ????

Anonymous said...

What a big happy family...we had such a wonderful time with you Isaac and your dad and mom... we miss you already!!! are you adjusting to only having mom and dad more dogs or loud aunts and uncles or grandparents around :) are you sleeping lots to rest after that long vacation...anyway we are so glad you visited LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

-Uncle Todd and Auntie Val