Friday, September 12, 2008

Fun day with Nolan

Mommy has been forgetting to take her camera places lately. Yesterday we had a fun day with Jonathan and Josiah at the park and today we went shopping with Nolan and Ms. Christine, then came and played in the sandbox. After that we got a popsicle! Yummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Isaac,

I love your blue sand. I have never seen that before. You and your friends have so much fun - It is so nice to have frineds. Hope all is well at your house - Spencer was here to see us recently on a week-end - in fact 2 week-ends in a row - his truck was needing to go to the truck doctor - it is all well now - and Spencer is back in San Diego.

Love you, ggma & ggpa hoke