Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Sleepover!!

Mommy and daddy got to attend a confernce last weekend, so I got to stay at Jonathan and Josiah's! I had such a GREAT time. Unlike when I am at home, I ate all my food, obeyed right away, and took long naps!

Thanks Mr. Mark and Ms. Jen for watching me!

Laugh, Cry, Scream=Fun?

One of the brothers, stole a toy from the other. So you will notice, one person laughing, one crying, and me screaming! Man, this is so much FUN!!! I love this place!

Follow the Leader!

Sliding Fun

We even got to walk to the Park. Here we all are having fun at the park. Mommy thought it was interesting that I enjoyed the slide, because I never go down the slide when she takes me to the park!

Here, doggy doggy

We had fun talking to Chloe outside, we just did not understand why she wouldn't want to come inside and play with three toddlers?!?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Check it out!

Check out the blog of Chang for even more fun pics of me and my friends! Mommy even made it on too:) Just click on their name in the sidebar and scroll down aways once you are on their blog!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Birdie's New Environment

The big bird cage is finally ready for 'birdie' He really likes his new spacious house. Daddy took a good close up of him, isn't he pretty!

Mommy's shoes and some solid Theology!

Yesterday I found these awesome shoes in the closet! They make some great noise when you walk on them. I was also taking in some light reading by John Piper:)

Library Story Time

Our mommies take us to library story time twice a week, but mommy finally thought to bring a camera! We LOVE story time. After we read stories and sing songs (my favorite) We get to play with toys!

The tunnel is one of our favorite toys!

Where's Bunny?!?!?

A couple of nights ago we could not find bunny before bed! ( I sleep with bunny every night) Here I am searching for bunny. As I was searching I found mommy's headband and thought it would really help me remember where I had put bunny! I did have to go to bed with out bunny, but mommy found him outside and came and brought him in before I even fell asleep! YEAH mommy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A New Place to Play

Today we got to play at the Church of Joy's Mommy and Me time. Above is Jonathan and below is Josiah (I think)
We had fun playing.
After a morning of fun we had lunch at Costco, while we were there, we met the twins' friend Jack! Here we all are!
Mommy got us all an ice cream to share, but I didn't really feel like any. Jonathan however decided to hog the entire thing!
OK, Josiah and Jack did get a few bites in now and then!

An Afternoon at the Apple Orchard

Yesterday we got to go to an apple orchard and pick our own fruit! I had such a great time. They even had cows and horses there. In the picture above, daddy is trying to feed the cows, but I think they were intimidated by me.

As soon as I realized that daddy was picking fruit from the trees, I decided to help by picking up the fruit from the ground and putting it in our wheelbarrow. I did not understand why mommy kept throwing those ones back out of the wheelbarrow, but it was fun collecting them until...
I picked one up that was covered with BEES! And did you know that bees STING you! Well I know now. I got my first real bee sting yesterday, and I took it like a big boy. I only cried a little and then I kept helping daddy but I did learn to look very closely at the fruit before picking it up.
Here I am helping mommy push the wheelbarrow...actually that is not even our wheelbarrow...
Mommy told me to 'smile' and this is what I did...Come on mom you take too many pictures.

The whole family!
Yes, I even got to eat some fresh fruit right from the tree! It was sooo yummy! Oh yeah, and even though it was an apple orchard, most of the apples were already picked so we got to pick lots of pears. They are so good.
Me and mommy, I am still eating my pear...
Time to go home, I am still eating my pear...
What a great afternoon!

Fingerpainting Fun

Friday I got to try fingerpainting for the first time! Here I am at the beginning, I am really starting to like it and I am still relatively clean...

Now, I have figured out how to pour my own fingerpaint! Such Fun. I'm a bit more messy...

Now I am VERY messy, and VERY sad becuase mommy decided it was not a good idea to let me pour on my own fingerpaint.
Still Messy, but much happier, mommy still let me pick what color I wanted to use, and it was mostly green. If you click on this picture you can still see my alligator tear left over from my recent sadness.
My final product proudly displayed on the kitchen cupboard! Overall a very fun experience and I can't wait until we do it again.
PS Mommy thinks we could sell my painting on Ebay for a lot of money, it is so good!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fun day with Nolan

Mommy has been forgetting to take her camera places lately. Yesterday we had a fun day with Jonathan and Josiah at the park and today we went shopping with Nolan and Ms. Christine, then came and played in the sandbox. After that we got a popsicle! Yummy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blue Sand!!

Thank you to the great grandparents who got me money for my birthday! This is one of the toys mommy and daddy got me! A sand table! Since it has now cooled down to the upper 90's mommy and I have been playing outside every day!! What fun!
The little truck from cousin John is perfect in my sand table!
Wish you were all here to play with me!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Play time fun!

Jonathan and Josiah came over yesterday to play! It was so fun! Mommy tried very hard to get all three of us in one picture...

look closely, I am in this one too:)
In this picture I am holding 'bunny' I don't think mommy has gotten a picture with it yet. This is who I sleep with and take everywhere with me. I earned him this summer from the library summer reading program.
This is my new T-ball from Grandma and Grandpa. I was teaching the twins how to use it:)


I love to help mommy in the kitchen, here I am 'helping' with the cake:)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I love Dirt!

This is me helping daddy in the Garden!

Here I am signing 'laughing' as I am laughing.
I still think I am one, That's what I say when people ask how old I am. I am also learning to say my name when asked. Another funny thing I have been saying lately is 'come on'


Daddy's Head Lamp!!

I got to wear daddy's head lamp around the other night! I LOVED it so much I wanted it to go with my everywhere:)

It was especially useful in dark rooms.