Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

On Thursday Grandma took us to the prairie! There were so many stuffed animals inside, here I am with a buffalo! Outside it was just green grass for miles and miles! (It was very windy that day)
This is as close as we got to actual real life buffalos:( They didn't want to come see us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Isaac - Thank you so much for sharing your trip to IA with us. We were just talking about how green the grass is in IA and then we got to see it - how cool is that? You have gotten to see so many amazing things - I'm sure you are having such a good time. I love to see your wonderful smile. GGpa loved the green grass too. You are so lucky to get to see so much family. I know how much they have enjoyed seeing you and your mom and dad - You have really been on a nice adventure - Love to see you - Hope we see you soon. Love you, ggma and ggpa hoke