Friday, September 25, 2009

3 Months Old Already!!!

On the 22nd Anna turned 3 months already!! She is doing so great. She is growing growing growing, eating eating eating, and sleeping sleeping sleeping. In between all of that, she is talking, laughing, smiling, and is even ticklish.

We love her so much and are always being caught kissing those adorable chubby cheeks.

Anna Talking!

Here is Anna 'talking' and you can even hear Isaac whining in the background:) Her neck is getting sooo strong!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sitting up

Here is Anna sitting up in a baby camping chair. She didn't quite know what to think, but she sure was cute!

Escape of the professional swaddle

Anna still LOVES to be swaddled, but Sat. morning when I went in to wake her up this is how she looked! She had totally escaped the top half of her! That is pretty impressive considering it is a swaddle with pretty tight velcro.

Shopping with Nolan

Last Friday we got to go shopping with Nolan! here we are in the awesome car cart. Beep Beep.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Anna's Dedication to the Lord

Sunday we dedicated Anna to the Lord. It was a wonderful service. Pastor Skip really focused on being Godly parents and training our kids up in the Lord.

We were very excited to have our neighbors dedicate all four of their kids as well. We have been mentoring them and both parents recently came to know the Lord! It has been wonderful getting to know them!

So cute

Even though it looks like he is scratching her face, he's not. Just some quick cuddle time together:) Isaac covered her with the blanket all by himself:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Isaac and Anna's First Football Game!!

Friday night we got to go to cousin Jennifer's football game. She was cheering at an away game that was only about 3 miles from our house!!! The above picture is Isaac, Nicole and Jen's friend Janelle.

Nicole and Isaac!
Jennifer is the one on the far right in back. She did such a GREAT job. She is the only Sophomore on the Varsity squad.
Anna sleeping amidst all the very loud cheering! Nothing compares to a loud 2 year old brother! She can sleep through anything:)
Jennifer, Anna, Janelle, Isaac and Nicole!
What fun we had. Isaac especially liked the cotton candy that Janelle's mom shared with him.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just Lounging

It's amazing how God makes every child different. Anna can be just content lounging or cuddling, where as Isaac was never like that. We love our two opposite children:)


As you all know when it rains here in AZ it is a HUGE deal! We practically throw a party. We usually get Isaac out of bed no matter what time it is to check out the rain. So this is Isaac still in his PJ's with massive bed head checking out the rain.

Daddy taking Anna out in the rain, not her first rain, but the first photo documentation:)
Her chubby cheeks are Sooooo cute! I know you just want to kiss them. Feel free to come visit and do just that!
"what is this stuff?" ~ anna

All three of them out in the rain! Mommy was still in her PJ's too so no shots of her:)

Potty training come and Gone:(

Here is a way cute pic of Isaac in his Thomas undies:) Last weekend we did some hard core training, but the end result was a sad boy because he just really can not yet tell when he has to go. He really wanted to, but just couldn't quite figure it out. So we are on a potty training fast for a few weeks and will try again then!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Morning Tummy Time

I love the mornings with Anna. Isaac sleeps in later so I get just some mommy and Anna time! She is so precious.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

God Loves Me!

At Isaac's three year old appointment it was confirmed that Isaac still does not weight 30 pounds! He definitely gets his high metabolism from his daddy's side of the family:) His height was 50% so he is growing taller!

Isaac was singing this song and it goes "in the bible book it says that God Loves me"

Anna's two months old!

We went to Anna's two month appt. and she is already almost 10 pounds!! She is growing growing growing!

Her new thing is to coo and babble. Here is a video of it. You have to wait a while for her to 'talk' but it is worth the wait:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

family pic minus one

So by the time we remembered we should be taking a family picture to commemorate the day anna was peacefully taking a nap. So here is our family minus one. You can tell Isaac is very excited to be apart of this experience. I do love the cupcake frosting that managed to stay on his face until the end of the party. I think that is a sign of a great party:)

If you want to see more of the party check out the blog of chang on our sidebar.

The Girls! (and some more boys:)

Here are the girls that were at the party! Above is Reagan and Anna they are only a few weeks apart in age. They were trying to hold hands:) How cute.

Below we added Lauren, Gavin's baby sister to the picture she is already 9 months old! What a good lookin' bunch of girls.

We tried to get the boys to lay down in a circle and pose, however we had two uncooperative boys, so we only got half the party. As you have probably noticed Jonathan and Josiah are little hams! Always ready with a smile for the camera.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday

Above is Daddy taking care of Anna while mommy took care of the birthday boy and friends. Anna is swaddled up tight! Her favorite. (I know it is blue but the store was out of pink and it was an emergency purchase!)

The blowers were a BIG hit!!! How many boys blowing horns can you find in this picture?
The whole crew! You can tell Jonathan and Josiah loved their hats. Their mommy said they had to wear them as soon as they got up from their naps too:) Jonathan is the amazing drummer.

This one is an awesome one of the daddy's. Neither of them look too happy! However they were both AWESOME at the party and I'm sure had tons of fun, not sure what these looks are for.

Jonathan still drumming...
Isaac playing with his new toys
Jonathan still drumming. I have a feeling someday when he's in a famous rock band I'll be saying "I knew jonathan chang when..."
Thanks for coming to the PARTY we had such a blast!

Isaac is THREE!!!!

Isaac, of course, had to choose the train theme. Above is the table before the boys got here...the calm before the storm:)

Below is the adorable cupcakes my friend Dottie made.

The birthday boy and his 'blower'
blowing out his 3 candle!
The whole GANG. Love how Gavin and Isaac always go for the frosting first!
Jonathan, very excited about his blower!
Now this is mommy trying to get the Haberkorn traditional 'hold up as many fingers as how old you are by the cake' picture. He only held up three fingers for a split second and of course I did not get that shot. So maybe next year... but in the meantime this picture turned out pretty cute!
Gavin sporting the black frosting mustache.
Josiah, what a little ham.
Nolan, deciding his blower needed some cupcake inside of it:)