Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Fun Weekend Adventure

This past weekend we got to go on an adventure with Aunt Bonnie!! My favorite part of the entire trip was riding in the big white truck which by the end of the trip I had claimed 'Isaac's Truck' and cried very hard when we had to get in our own vehicle to go home.

We spent the weekend half in southern AZ in the Wilcox area and the other half in Stanfield with Uncle Ernie and the horses. I LOVE horses!!

Here are the pictures from our hike in Wilcox. Below I decided to wear mommy's ear band because it was getting windy.
Here is daddy and me with some mountains in the background.
The whole family!
Mommy did not get a picture of AUnt Bonnie or Uncle Ernie and the horses...Sorry, but thank you so much for a GREAT weekend!

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