Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Raymond Wildlife Area

Haberkorn + Harris = Adventure! This time around it was the Raymond wildlife area. On the internet it was advertised as having buffalo, prairie dogs and a plethora of other wildlife. However, after the 9 mile drive on a back dirt road no wild life did we see. However Luckily for us we just love being together and love the outdoors. It was a beautiful area and even though it was in the 90's we still hiked up the mini mountain.

Natalie Isaac and Jack

Here we are on the top of the mountain! Even Anna got to come. She loved the hike.
When we got home and actually read the brochure we got at the place it said now is the best time to see buffalo, just bring your blind and telescopic lens and come super early! Ha... I can just see us now. Shhh... children don't scare away the buffalo:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your life. So much fun and activity - Can't imagine keeping up with that any more - X 4! Love, gma mary