Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anna Update

Let's see, Anna loves: beans, raspberries, drinking from her sippy cup,baths, swimming, dancing, climbing, using her walker to 'walk', waking up at the crack of dawn, her daddy, her pacifier, playing with Camden, and playing outside in the sand. Her favorite word to say is Hi. She also says mommy, daddy, God (while we are praying) and more recently Thank you. She is a very social and happy baby. She is extremely SMART and tries to use her cuteness to get out of trouble. yes she does get in trouble. Most often for throwing her cup on the floor or turning the TV off and on. Her one year Doctor appt. went well. She weighs 18.4 pounds She is small for her age just like Isaac so she doesn't get to face forward in her car seat for awhile, which is a bummer since we are pretty sure she gets car sick:( She is very close to walking and will sometimes stand with out holding on to anything. All in all she is our precious baby girl and we love her so much! Enjoy the birthday pictures.

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