Monday, July 28, 2008

Heard Museum West

Saturday we got to go see the pretty things the Indians from around here make. Since there happened to be a tour going on at the same time, it was very hard for me to keep quite so I got to go and play outside most of the time...

Here are some very interesting plants I found!
It was like a jungle for Nolan and I.

Fun with Cousins

Daddy and mommy brought me over to Nicole and Jennifer's house to go swimming on Friday! I had the most fun EVER in a pool. Those lessons I took really helped me out.

After swimming Aunt Cindy grilled us hotdogs and we got to eat outside! We had such a great day!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Taco Bell!

After a fun-filled morning of swim lessons and the play land we got to eat at Taco Bell! Gavin and I spent a lot of time cracking each other up:)

I was starving and did not stop shoving pieces of quesadilla in my mouth until it was all gone!

'A Little Surprise'

Today I got to play with my new friend Gavin from swimming lessons. We got to go to this place full of toys and rooms with different things in each room! We had so much fun we played for TWO hours and would have kept playing, but our mommies said we needed to eat some lunch.

Here I am in the kitchen room, cooking up some great food.

Since I never get to play with 'girl' toys I was fascinated by the dress up room and thought this necklace was great.
But don't worry I also played with the power drill, hammer, and saw:) We had so much fun!

eating like a big boy

Yesterday mommy and I went shopping at Costco. We got to eat lunch there, and I ate at the table all by myself!

Even though the bottom picture is blurry it shows how far i was from my food, but I still ate it without spilling or falling! I am getting bigger every day!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Swim lessons day 4

Today was my fourth day swimming. This is mommy and me working on getting into the pool.

Today we worked on our back stroke. This kind of traumatized me, so it wasn't the best day swimming for me, but I will be ready to take it on again next week.

Can't pass up a good deal!

Today mommy and daddy found this baby bjorn at Good will for only $3! Since it is a step up from our old one mommy decided we should get it, in case I ever get a brother or sister.

For old time sakes daddy put me in. I still seem to fit!
This was me 20 months ago, Haven't I grown?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Swim Lesson!

Today was day three of my swimming lessons. Yesterday mommy AND daddy got to come. These pictures are taken at the end of the swimming lessons where I am trying to get the rings in the shallow water.

I was not too sure about the big pool at first, but I am doing better every day. We are working on kicking, paddling, blowing bubbles, getting in and out of the pool, and floating on my back. I am very tired after my lesson each day, but overall am starting to enjoy it and have some fun!

watering the dogs?

Nolan, "What, the dogs like rocks in their water"
Isaac "I love watching the splashes when I throw in a rock."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Climb climb climb

Mommy does not know how I got up here, and I don't plan on telling her, it is a secret, but I love to get up here and turn the hall light off and on:)

lost fourth pics

Mommy finally got her camera cord that was missing (the one that connects the camera to the computer) So she found a few pics of the 4th that were not yet published. This is Fred, Jen, Daddy with Natalie, Jack, and Me!


Over the fourth while we were at the National Parks daddy taught me what a Yucca was, and that it has sharp poky leaves. Here I am identifying one.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun at chick fil a

Since we were all dressed as cows, I thought it was appropriate to speak in ''moo''. Here is a video of Nolan and I playing at the restaurant. Luckily it wasn't that busy:)

What would you do for a FREE meal??

Well, we dressed up like cows! Chik fila was having their anual 'dress like a cow and get a free meal' Since I already had a cow costume, mommy thought we should try it and here are the results:) Daddy was a brown cow, mommy a black cow and Ms. Christine, Nolan, and I white cows.

Mommy said even though we were cows we still had to hold hands in the parking lot.
Nolan and I thought it would be great fun to run around while our momy's ordered.
Mommy said we had to sign a release, becuase they might use our picture for something!
Nothing like a FREE meal...yumm

Painted Desert and Petrified National Forest

Sat after the 4th we got to go to the painted desert. Here we are looking at what I like to cal 'roahs' otherwise known as dinosaurs, I also refer to them as 'eat you'
Isn't God's creation beautiful! What an awesome God we serve!

Bouncy Time

On the fourth of July we got to play in the bouncy house at the carnival in Winslow. This is the first time I really liked playing in those things. I still can't jump, but since everyone else was jumping around me, I got to bounce all over the place.

Me and Natalie
I'm stuck in the crack!

Playing at the Park in Winslow AZ

One night while we were in Winslow, we went to the park! The daddies went down the slide with us! Weee....
Natalie and Fred!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

4th of July Weekend

we spent the fourth of July with our Friends in Winslow. Here I am with natalie right after we arrived! I just had to sit close to her. Since I had so much excitement starting Wed with the splash park, I decided not to take a nap at all Wed.-Friday, I just did not want to miss ANYTHING, so Friday night when it was time for fireworks, I fell asleep at fireworks for me this year, oh well, at least I didn't miss anything with all my friends.

Montezuma's Castle

On the drive up to Winslow, AZ for the fourth of July, we stopped at Montezuma's castle. Look closely at the picture above and you can see how the Indians used to live up on the rock! It was pretty amazing to see. Mommy said last time I was there I was in her belly!
I loved running on the trail all by myself and of course trying to identify all the plant life!
This is a Sycamore tree.
They are very big and have a smooth trunk. I really like to touch the sycamore trees.