Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter with Family

After church and my easter basket we got to go to my great Grandma and Grandpa H's house for lunch. I got to play with my cousins (well technically they are my mom's cousins, but it all gets a little confusing so I just say they are my cousins)

My favorite toy for the day was definitely the tool bench in this picture. Nicole, you are so good at getting those pegs in...
Here, I'll hold it for you... ( in this picture you can also see my mom's cousin Spencer and my Great Grandpa H.)
Dinner Time! I LOVED Great Grandpa's potatoes that he cooked on the grill. I ate three helpings of them and nothing else! Mom says that maybe grandpa will cook them for me when I go to IA this summer. I sure hope so!
Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were so happy to have you and all the cousins for Easter. GGpa was happy that you liked his potatoes. Your Dad does know how to make those - I'm sure he will make them when you visit in IA. It was fun to see you playing with the tool toy - your Gpa Hoke played with those toys. They are the oldies but goodies. Next time you come to see us, be sure and help yourself to the toy box. We miss Spencer. He was here for 4 days - but I'm sure he will come over again when he can. It is the best thing for us to have family close. You have so many 2nd cousins, it will be awhile before you can ever get it straight - I even have to stop and think about all the names. But, you won't have to - you will remember stuff. Good job! So thanks so much for all of the information - Your Adventures is my favorite thing on the computer!!!! Thanks. Love you, ggpa and ggma hoke