Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Father's Day?!?!

Me and daddy

I Love exploring plants (I wonder where I got that from) This creosota bush has fuzzy seeds on it. I think I want to eat them

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day, becuase Mommy and I are going to be away from daddy on Father's day. We went to the botanical garden. I sure do love that place:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Issac! You are a lucky boy to be in IA and visit all your relatives. They will love you so much! We are back in AZ - we loved the 50th anniversary party. Ggma and Ggpa really had a great time. I hear there is a picture of you and Carter out there somewhere that is adorable. Of course it is! Both of our great grandson's. I am so glad that I checked your blog today - you are so lucky to have parents that share your special times with us. We will see you when you get back to AZ. We send our love to you and all the family. ggma and ggpa hoke