Monday, May 31, 2010

Water and Sand Play

Now that Anna can climb out the patio door all on her own there has been a whole new world of play things opened up to her. Friday she discovered the sand and water table. As you can tell she is VERY happy to be a part of such a 'big person' toy.
Hmmm...This is when we had to call it quits. I figured after one bite of sand she would just not like it and stop eating it, but the opposite effect happened. She just kept eating it. Thankfully Matt and I have a strict family rule that our kids should eat sand or dirt at least once to help strengthen their immune system. (this has worked wonders for Isaac who has hardly ever been sick)
After this we decided to clean off under the outdoor faucet and in for a bath one of her FAVORITE things. I'm pretty sure she had a GREAT afternoon:)
Isaac Loving the water and sand!

Fun at the Park

Anna and Camden just hanging out.

Isaac so proud that he is finally strong enough and long enough to dig the holes on his own.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Always an Adventure!

Well, for some reason when you get the Haberkorn's together with the Harris's it is ALWAYS an adventure! First of all we decided to let the three older kids have a sleepover in the same room...hmmm...they were up until 11:30 and then up again at 6:30! YIKES... and these are kids that normally get 12 hours of sleep a night. So I guess we learned our lesson, a 2, 3, and 5 year old are a little too young for sleep overs. But never fear that did not stop us from have a large outing the next day. Here are the pictures from the day after the sleepover. We went to Mormon lake near Flagstaff and boy was it WINDY!! We all did have a blast though even amongst sleep deprived whiny children:)
This owl is the biggest owl in the world and in it's natural habitat preys on deer!!! SCARY! and yes, it was real.
we headed to the only restaraunt around to get out of the wind and found out the power was out! So all they had to offer was candle light, coffee or tea. We said yes anything to get out of this wind. They were serving hamb. and hotdogs outside so we just brought them in to our table.
Here is Isaac's best pouty face that was on much of the day but we knew he was soooo tired and that was our fault. Anna and Isaac slept all the way home 2.5 hours!
Great photo op.

The playground

Fun in Winslow

Above is Natalie, Jack and Isaac. All hanging out on the couch.

Below is Anna Playing. Sam was taking a nap so I missed his picture.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Picnic Lunch

Last weekend we had an impromptu trip up to Winslow to visit our friends Fred and Jen. On the way up we stopped at Stoneman Lake to have a picnic.

Anna, rocks are not food silly.

How Precious.
Mommy's glasses! YEAH
Happy Girl
Isaac picking up a BIG rock.

Naughty Naughty...

Above: "uh oh...I'm caught"

Below: "Maybe If I use my cuteness I can get out of trouble"

Below: "success"

Play Time

Above: Anna in daddy's hat:)

Below: Play time with Jonathan, Josiah Gavin and Lauren!! What a houseful of kiddos! We had a great time!
Giving mommy a break with movie time. They are shirtless and on towels because prior to movie time they were playing with squirt guns. Outside of course.

We are so sad because Gavin and Lauren are moving to San Fransisco! We will miss them sooo much. This was probably our last play date before they move:( What a great friendship they all had together.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anna's teeth!

These are some practice shots of me trying to get Anna's teeth. It is right after she ate so her face is covered in food, but I still thought they were cute:)

Here's a good shot of her two bottom front teeth and, of course, a cheerio in her mouth:) She now has three teeth with at least three more on their way in. She decided to get all of them at once. She has also finally graduated to size 6-9 month and 9 month clothes! Time to pack away the old and shop for the new!

Lunchtime with the kids

I don't know why, but I decided to teach Isaac how to use his orange peel as teeth:) He loved that.

Here is Anna eating her FAVORITE food. She has cheerios at every meal and for every snack. For some reason she gets a little fussy in the middle but I still thought you might like to see how adept she is at putting cheerios in her mouth.

Camden and Anna

Sometimes when I pull out the camera, Anna totally hams it up and smiles. I thought this was so cute because it is like she is putting her arm around him and posing:)

Pure JOY

Mother's Day

Matt took Isaac to the store and had him pick out flowers for me. He looked carefully at all of them and chose purple calla lilies. It was so sweet. I thought he picked them out because purple is my favorite color, but when asked why he chose those flowers he pointed to the yellow center and said "because they have these cool things in them:)" How cute.

Park fun

While at G'ma and G'pa hokes we went to the park down the street to help burn off some excess energy:)
Isaac climbed this all by himself to the top...scary for mommy to watch...

Isaac inherits his need to be barefoot in sand and grass from his mommy and grandma netty:)

Mother's Day at Grandma and Grandpa Hokes

Spencer and Anna wore coordinating clothes:) How Cute!

The day was filled with LOTS of action. Here is everyone playing:)
Nicole, attacking Matt, her favorite past time:)
Uncle Bill wrestling/tickling Isaac. Everyone got in the action this time:)

More Family!

Above: Anna with cousine Nicole and Great Grandpa in the background

Below: Isaac and Nicole and Anna and Jennifer

All the cousins! We sure had a great time together!